Curtain Call Cast Member Database

Come one come all! Peruse the roster of cast members below who have performed in the GiganticPingu "Curtain Call" streams and select your favorite! You can choose to sponsor a beloved starlet by selecting the "XXX" redeem in the GiganticPingu Twitch chat and typing out that character's associated number when prompted. Wonderous things may occur if you do!

ID Number Performer Name
1 IMAGE Gleeful Whelp
2 IMAGE Nibbling Rodent
3 IMAGE Humminah-Humminah Woman
4 IMAGE Globule Producers
5 IMAGE Lactose-filled Partygoers
6 IMAGE Mercy Mild
7 IMAGE Pikablu Jr.
8 IMAGE Exuberant Penguin
9 IMAGE Yummy Friends
10 IMAGE Orbular Fowl
11 IMAGE Helium Kitty
12 IMAGE Humble & Generous Brock
13 IMAGE Eternally Damned Rotating Bovine
14 IMAGE Heavenly Ursine Cherub
15 IMAGE Da Genie
16 IMAGE Bad Piggy Handler
17 IMAGE Ponytime
18 IMAGE Fearsome Footballers
19 IMAGE Cool Spot Kids
20 IMAGE Video Gamers Extreme
21 IMAGE Horrible Penny-Guy Hybrid
22 IMAGE Mario Is Here
23 IMAGE Puppyball
24 IMAGE Big Mistake Cluckster
25 IMAGE Slothful Whisp
26 IMAGE Vivi Our Friend From Final Fantasy IX
27 IMAGE OinkCoin
28 IMAGE Deliciousness Amplified
29 IMAGE Koopa Doopa
30 IMAGE Freakin Out Cow
31 IMAGE Floaty Balloons
32 IMAGE Little Buzzy
33 IMAGE Cutey Kitty
34 IMAGE A Home of Our Own
35 IMAGE Spinny Teacup Guy
36 IMAGE Accursed Bald Baby
37 IMAGE Doomed Piggy
38 IMAGE MewMewMew
39 IMAGE Lovely Dog of Missives
40 IMAGE Mr Mathematics & Mr Moneybags
30 IMAGE Freakin Out Cow
30 IMAGE Freakin Out Cow
30 IMAGE Freakin Out Cow
30 IMAGE Freakin Out Cow
30 IMAGE Freakin Out Cow

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